Unknown Green Crackle


Unknown Unknown

Color: Green 'Crackle'
Material: Lacquer over brass
Filler: Cartridge/Converter
Date c. c. 2009
Nib: F P Iridium
Working? Yes

I don’t even know who made this pen! The nib says ‘Iridium Point Paris,’ and that’s it. It’s sturdily made, with a nifty roll-clip, and for the $6 I paid, it’s a darn fine writer. I bought it for my son, and I wish I’d snagged two. I have looked many times, and never seen another one like it. This is one of those no-names that really did pay off….

, April 1, 2017.

About Ravenmoon

Ravenmoon is the online moniker of Mith Raven, long time pen lover and collector. This site began as my own attempt to keep track of my pens & inks, but I hope it is a useful resource for other pen lovers as well!