Sheaffer Sentinel (?) Tuckaway |
Color: Black w/GP Cap Material: Radite!!? |
Filler: Vacuumatic Date c. 1944-49 |
Nib: F 14K 2T Lifetime Triumph
Working? Yes |
Contrary to legend, these are not the pens Sheaffer designed for military uniforms; those have the ‘over-the-top’ clip, which does not make the pocket flap bulge. These were made to be easy to carry in a pocket or purse, or to be worn in smaller women’s blouse pockets. This is a great specimen, with some drawer wear on the cap, but a crisp imprint and a flawless Vac fill. The ID on this is a little uncertain: in the vac-filling Tuckaways, the Sovereign had a wire band, the Sentinel had a chrome cap with a gold band, and the Statesman had the more traditional open nib. However, since this is a ‘White Dot’ pen (the white dot is located on the butt end of the barrel), and has the ‘triumph-style’ conical nib, I’m going with Sentinel. |