Hartline Glass


Hartline ???

Color: Caramel swirl
Material: Plastic
Filler: Lever
Date c. 1926
Nib: Glass
Working? No

An intriguing glass nib fountain pen – I am finding myself fascinated by these things! I never knew they existed until very recently; now I am finding them everywhere. This one is a lovely caramel color, though the yellow barrel end has a tendency to pop off. It’s not terribly solid feeling, but it needs resaccing, so perhaps when I get it all properly fitted is will have a bit more heft.

, June 4, 2018.

About Ravenmoon

Ravenmoon is the online moniker of Mith Raven, long time pen lover and collector. This site began as my own attempt to keep track of my pens & inks, but I hope it is a useful resource for other pen lovers as well!