Eversharp Skyline Executive


Eversharp Skyline Executive

Color: Maroon w/ striated cap
Material: Resin/plastic
Filler: Lever
Date c. ca. 1946
Nib: 14K banner nib, M/B
Working? Yes

Perhaps the most distinctively Art Deco pen made, designed by Henry Deyfuss, one of the most prolific designers of everyday use objects of the Art Deco era. This is a larger model, and the striated cap is a rarity. I’m putting it at the later end of production (1940-48) because of the ‘over the top’ structure at the clip – earlier pens, I believe, had the plainer domed top to the cap. As with most vintage gold-nib pens, it’s a gorgeous writer, and while it only has a small hint of flex, it is an expressive writer.

, December 10, 2023.

About Ravenmoon

Ravenmoon is the online moniker of Mith Raven, long time pen lover and collector. This site began as my own attempt to keep track of my pens & inks, but I hope it is a useful resource for other pen lovers as well!