Cross Botanica


Cross Botanica

Color: Magnolia
Material: Laquer over brass
Filler: Cartridge/Converter
Date c. 2014
Nib: 18K F
Working? Yes

I love Cross pens, and I think they don’t get anywhere near as much love as they deserve, or at least the ones from 1980s-2010s or so; I haven’t tried the newer ones. Since I adore my trusty Townsends, and I love henna art, I leapt at this beauty. This first run model has a 18K nib, and is esentially a top of the line Century II with a jaw-dropping finish. It’s a hefty but slender pen, and it writes as I would expect from a high-end Cross. My only quibble is the converter is not the same as my Townsend, but that’s minor. Overall, I adore this pen. Now discontinued, and the later run with steel nibs are just not as impressive, but if you find one of the first run with the 18K nibs, pounce on it!

, December 10, 2023.

About Ravenmoon

Ravenmoon is the online moniker of Mith Raven, long time pen lover and collector. This site began as my own attempt to keep track of my pens & inks, but I hope it is a useful resource for other pen lovers as well!