Conklin All-American (Orange)


Conklin All American

Color: Orange
Material: Resin
Filler: Cartridge/Converter
Date c. ca. 2015
Nib: Steel, Flex (ish)
Working? Yes

A big, fairly heavy pen, in a stunning orange marbled resin. (Still love orange pens…) Luscious writer, though like most Conklins & Monteverdes (or most brand new modern pens, really), it takes a bit of TLC when new. Totally worth it! I’m less thrilled with Conklin’s ‘omniflex’ nib; it is a bit too stiff to flex easily, and it seems to lack the ‘spring’ to open up and then close again. I have another omniflex on a Duragraph, and the tines never quite seemed to come back together.

, December 10, 2023.

About Ravenmoon

Ravenmoon is the online moniker of Mith Raven, long time pen lover and collector. This site began as my own attempt to keep track of my pens & inks, but I hope it is a useful resource for other pen lovers as well!